General Questions

  • What items cannot be put in the dumpster?

    If you are available on delivery, our drivers will provide you with our list of prohibited items. We only have special disposal options for concrete, asphalt, and yard waste products.

  • Do I need to be available for dumpster delivery?

    While it is not necessary, it is always best to have someone available for delivery to ensure the dumpster is placed in the correct spot and payment is made.

  • What does the price include?

    The price includes delivery, pick-up, and disposal of the agreed-upon weight/tonnage. It also includes the length of time you get to use the dumpster. Additional charges will be added for going over the quoted tonnage and for exceeding the rental period if requested.

  • Will the dumpster damage my driveway/yard?

    Our drivers take every precaution not to damage your property. However, our trucks and dumpsters are heavy pieces of equipment and have the potential to mark or cause ruts in the yard. The customer assumes all liabilities for damages due to the dumpster placement location.

  • What type of payment methods do you accept?

    We accept cash and checks. Credit cards may be used with an additional service charge. We prefer payment on delivery of the dumpster but can make different arrangements.

Learn More

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Simply call our friendly staff at 920-295-6092.

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